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Publishers Making DEALs to Battle Ad Blocking in the U.S. and in Europe

Publishers around the world are adopting DEAL in combination with building a better user experience to combat ad blocking.

DEAL is a recommended approach for publishers to connect with ad blocking consumers through a step-by-step process: Detect ad blocking, in order to initiate a conversation; Explain the value exchange that advertising enables; Ask for changed behavior in order to maintain an equitable exchange; Lift restrictions or Limit access in response to consumer choice.

IAB Tech Lab Publisher Ad Blocking PrimerRead about some of the latest publishers who have deployed DEAL methods to engage with their audiences:

In the United States:

Publishers are also taking action in Europe:

The IAB Tech Lab Publisher Ad Blocking Primer outlines the range of communications and response tactics available to publishers to connect with visitors who have downloaded ad blocking software. Several of the tactics highlighted in the primer fit into the DEAL sequence – and all strongly encourage adhering to the LEAN (Light, Encrypted, Ad choice supported, Non-invasive ads) principles, which were released in October 2015 to help publishers create an uncluttered, smooth user experience on ad-supported sites. The DEAL method of engaging with consumers will be more effective if a publisher’s site offers a user-friendly web environment.

Learn more about DEAL and LEAN

IAB Tech Lab Publisher Ad Blocking Primer


If you are a publisher who has deployed a DEAL approach and you want to be listed here, please contact us.

Let us showcase how your publication has made a DEAL with consumers.