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IAB allows for all types of companies to join and share in the benefits of IAB Membership. Per the IAB Board of Directors, all dues are for a calendar year and may not be negotiated or included in a barter agreement. Members who join mid year will have their dues prorated to the nearest quarter.


General Members are corporate entities or standalone divisions of a corporate entity whose revenue is significantly based on the sale, delivery, or optimization of digital advertising or marketing programs. Examples include publishers, technology companies, platforms, marketers, media buying agencies, creative agencies, measurement and analytics providers, data companies, etc.

Associate Members are companies that do not qualify as General Members, but support the sale of digital advertising or marketing programs. Examples include media and marketing consultancies, research firms, law firms, etc.


Depending on the type of business you are in there are 3 rate cards that may apply.

If you are unsure of which rate card applies to you, please email [email protected].

2024 Media Buying Agency Rate Card

CATEGORY Annual Dues
Holding Company $200,000
Sub-holding Company Agencies $75,000
Individual/ Independent Agencies* Sliding scale
(based on RECMA – see table below)
Annual Billing Annual Dues
<$1 billion $10,000
$1 – 5 billion $15,000
$5 – 10 billion $20,000
$15 – 20 billion $25,000

*10% aggregate discount for multiple agencies on a sliding scale (based on RECMA billings)

2024 Creative Agency Rate Card

Number of Employees Rate
1 – 200 $5,000
201 – 500 $10,000
500+ $15,000

2024 All Other Rate Card

Annual Domestic Digital Revenue (rounded to the nearest $1M) Additional Increments (per $1M rounded revenue) Membership Dues Estimate (subtotal per tier)
$0 – 7 million S10,000
$8 – 9 million $1,054 $11,054 – $12,108
$10 – 34 million $702 $12, 810 – $29,658
$35 – 74 million $570 $30,228 – $52,458
$75 – 199 million $372 $52,830 – $98,958
$200 – 499 million $286 $99,244 – $187,758
$500 – 999 million $220 $184,978 – $294,758
$1 billion+ $175 $294,933+

Dues are cumulative from level to level once digital revenue is greater than $7M.

Calculating dues if your company falls under the All Other rate card:

  • Report your company’s digital revenue to IAB**
  • Revenue is defined as a percentage of your company’s total US (Domestic) digital revenue for a two-year trailing calendar year.
  • Reported revenue is applied to the rate card listed above.

General Member minimum dues are $10,000 if your (rounded) revenue is under $7 million. All revenue is round to the nearest million before any calculations are applied.
Associate Member dues are $10,000.
Startup Member dues are $5,000.

Startup Members are pre-revenue companies, whether they fall under associate or general membership, and may qualify for this status for up to 2 years if they meet both of these requirements:

  • Less than two years old (from incorporation) AND
  • Have less than $1M in revenue.

After 2 years, Startup membership will convert to general or associate status.

**Digital revenue is defined as any revenue associated with digital products, services, advertising, marketing programs or campaigns. No costs may be subtracted from revenue for reporting (this includes but is not limited to taxes, staff costs, expenses, customer/audience acquisition cost, and any fees paid to content partners).

Subsidiary members are any additional companies owned and/or controlled by a General member company that wish to roll their membership up under the General member. The General member must include all applicable interactive revenue from the designated subsidiary(ies) when reporting their collective interactive revenue for dues calculations.

  • Subsidiary members must qualify as a General member in their own right by being a standalone corporate entity that participates in the digital ecosystem and may provide products and services, or derive revenue from the sale, delivery, or optimization of digital advertising, marketing programs or campaigns.
  • Companies which fall under the definition of an Associate member will have to apply separately for that membership.

Subsidiary members receive the same rights and benefits as General members, except:

  • They may not vote in IAB Board of Directors elections
  • Employees of Subsidiary members may not hold a seat on the IAB Board of Directors

2024 Dues Renewals

The IAB Board approved a 5% dues increase for all members (excluding brands and agencies).

2025 Dues Renewals

The IAB Board approved a new rate card for 2025 and information regarding that was sent out in 2023. All members have been required to report their 2023 digital revenue to calculate 2025 dues.

  • Brand members will also pay membership dues in 2025 – see rate card here.
  • The new rate card for non-agency or “All Other” members can be found here.

Consideration for Extraordinary Events

In the event two members both paying $450,000 or more in membership dues merge, a 50% discount will be applied to one company’s dues. A 3% increase will be applied each year thereafter.

For mergers where at least one member company pays less than $450,000 in dues, membership dues will be combined to set a new base. A 3% increase will be applied each year thereafter.

If an acquired company or division was not a part of the member company two years previously, its own digital revenues from two years prior count towards any dues calculation as that company/division gets IAB benefits today.

If a company or division has been divested but was still a part of the member company two years previously, its digital revenues from two years prior are removed from the total for any dues calculation.

IAB reserves the right to reassess dues and adjust where appropriate in case of extraordinary events or any significant news affecting IAB members or the industry.

Members may report their previous year’s revenue at any time. Revenue will be vetted against industry sources and, if approved, dues will be reset according to the rate card.

For questions related to IAB Membership, please email [email protected].