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MRC Lifts Advisory against Transacting on Viewable Display Impressions

Switch to Viewable Impressions under Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS) Initiative Marks Momentous Occasion for Consumers, Brands, and Publishers

NEW YORK, NY (March 31, 2014) — The Media Rating Council (MRC) announced today that it has lifted its advisory on Viewable Impressions for display advertising, giving a green light to the industry to begin transacting on the new metric for the first time. This switch to viewable impressions is a momentous occasion for consumers, brands, and publishers. This shift in media currency will help brands connect with engaged consumers, and do the kind of multi-platform campaigns across media properties they’ve been eager to do almost since the internet was born.

The MRC in collaboration with the IAB Emerging Innovations Task Force, a large working group consisting of a wide range of industry stakeholders, has released its Viewable Impression Measurement Guidelines, which spell out specific parameters for how viewable impressions should be measured. The Guidelines draft, which has been in the works for more than a year, will be circulated for a 30-day period for public review to ensure broad dissemination and to permit for minor outstanding revisions.

The Guidelines state that 50 percent of pixels must be in the viewable portion of an internet browser for a minimum of one continuous second to qualify as a viewable display impression. The shift from a “served” impression to a viewable impression standard will provide marketers with a more accurate way to quantify their investment and deliver increased value for all parties involved in brand advertising.

Read the MRC press release on the advisory lift

Download the full MRC industry communication on the switch to a viewable impression standard

The following resources are available to help publishers with the transition to viewable impressions: