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Interactive Advertising Bureau Opens Washington D.C. Office

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Veteran Hired as VP Public Policy to Spearhead Legislative and Regulatory Issues

NEW YORK, NY (February 20, 2007) – The Interactive Advertising Bureau, the leading trade association for the Interactive media industry, announced today the opening of a Washington, D.C. office to oversee regulatory matters, legislative affairs, and public policy initiatives that affect the Interactive advertising industry.

The IAB also announced that it had appointed Mike Zaneis as Vice President of Public Policy, a new position in the organization. Mr. Zaneis, 33, joins the bureau from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, where he served as Executive Director of Technology and E-Commerce.

“The Interactive media industry is committed to striking the right balance between consumer protection and a consumer’s free online access to information and entertainment,” said Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO of the Interactive Advertising Bureau. “The opening of an IAB Public Policy office in DC allows us to be front and center on all legislative and regulatory issues as we continue to build a world-class medium that has the highest level of transparency and accountability.”

“Mike is a first-rate executive with the ideal skills and finesse to represent the best interests of IAB’s diverse membership,” said Jim Spanfeller, Chairman of the IAB Board and CEO and President of “Having a full-time presence in D.C. enables the association to best address all policy and regulatory issues affecting the Interactive industry both domestically and abroad.”

The IAB’s Washington Office will be located at 575 7th St. N.W., within the historic Terrell Place Building.

“The new D.C. office positions IAB as the leading voice in all issues relating to the Interactive advertising industry,” said Mr. Zaneis. “I look forward to working with the public sector, our member companies, and the consumers themselves to ensure that the Internet remains the most robust platform in the world.”

Mr. Zaneis served at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce August 2001 until January 2007. As the chief technology and telecommunications lobbyist, he oversaw issues affecting the business community pertaining to e-commerce, online and consumer privacy, data security, telecommunications, and intellectual property. Mr. Zaneis received a bachelors of Arts degree from Michigan State University and both his J.D. and Masters in Public Policy from Georgetown University.

About the IAB:
Founded in 1996, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) represents over 300 leading interactive companies that are actively engaged in, and support the sale of interactive advertising. IAB members are responsible for selling over 86% of online advertising in the United States. On behalf of its members, the IAB evaluates and recommends standards and practices, fields interactive effectiveness research and educates the advertising industry regarding the use of interactive advertising. For more information, please visit

IAB Contact
Marla Nitke
Director, Marketing Communications