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Tim Ruder


Tim has more than 20 years experience working with digital news organizations to grow audiences, institutionalize editorial best practices, create new products and get the most from tools and technologies to drive great results.

He understands traffic opportunities from all sources (search, social, paid marketing, PR, etc.) and how a publisher can capture and keep new audiences while being true to their voice, brand and strategy. He is most effective when working across publisher departments — editorial, tech, marketing and sales — helping the individuals and teams maximize their contribution to common goals.

Tim’s results include: capturing the highest share of a target audience of any news web site, substantially increasing site engagement, improving visibility in search, increasing reach in social networks and more. Typical engagements will see improvements of 20 to 100% in the first year.

Ruder developed product lines for publishers that exceeded $40 million in second year revenues (and have continued growing), improved workflows to lower costs and developed new business strategies for publishers in need of a pivot. In addition to delivering business results, Tim’s work has received many industry accolades, including multiple Eppy’s, Webby’s, a Wammie and one of the first 1to1 Innovator Awards (for his work on personalization in news).

Tim is also an accomplished public speaker and has appeared at the World Association of Newspapers (WAN/IFRA) World Congress, multiple appearances at SxSW and numerous appearance at a variety of search, marketing and product development conferences.