Webinar -
Jun 6, 2024 / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

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      Today’s digital landscape is incredibly complex. The convergence of sensitive personal data, privacy regulations, and marketing practices makes the risks to enterprises greater than ever. As businesses navigate this complex terrain, they are left wondering how regulatory changes will impact their ability to collect and use sensitive consumer data.

      Join our webinar, The Intersection of Sensitive Personal Data, Privacy Laws, and Marketing, where experts will explain the increasingly complicated and narrowing terrain for using such data for marketing purposes, as well as operational best practices and case studies.

      This webinar will cover the following topics:

      • Changes in state privacy regulations and FTC enforcement that make governance over sensitive data sharing even more critical
      • Case studies that illustrate common pitfalls for companies processing health and children’s data
      • How companies processing sensitive personal data are changing policies and practices in response to legal and technical changes
      Video on Demand Available to Members

