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IAB Releasing Results from Cross Media Optimization Study (XMOS) on the Marketing of the 2004 Ford F-150 to the Online Hispanic Audiences

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released initial results from its cross media optimization study (XMOS) of the 2004 Ford F-150 launch campaign. These findings examined the impact of online Spanish language advertising as part of Ford’s overall media campaign.

This segment of the study measured the impact of Spanish language online advertising across general interest websites targeted at the U.S. Hispanic population.

The 2004 Ford F-150 marketing launch was the largest and most comprehensive marketing launch in the history of Ford Motor Company. It also marked Ford Divisions largest multicultural marketing campaign by reaching out to Hispanics, African-Americans and Asian-Americans. XMOS research examined branding and sales impact from a variety of marketing efforts including television, magazine, digital roadblocks, online ads, Internet Search, Auto Websites, Ford’s website, Spanish language online advertising and offline events sponsorships.

Due to the positive directional results from this study, the IAB intends to conduct additional research studies focused on the Hispanic marketing sector.

Who: Rex Briggs, Principal, Marketing Evolution conducted the study to present the findings.

When: April 23, 2004

Where: Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies Conference

Contact: For more information on these results:

Marla Nitke IAB