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Issues Final Call for Industry Feedbacks

New York, NY (August 14, 2003) –The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has announced a “Call for Feedback” on Rich Media Guidelines Version 2.0 Phase 1, a creative suite of specifications for in-page rich media units. Designed in response to advertiser demand for more standard online advertising guidelines, this package will enable advertisers to distribute creative rich media units across leading online publishers without having to make modifications for individual sites. The intention is to improve the efficiency and ease to planning, buying and creating online media.

The Rich Media Guidelines Version 2.0 updates existing Rich Media guidelines set by the IAB in August 2001, and addresses any in-page advertising experience that includes and or combines the elements of motion and interactivity where motion is not delivered through an animated GIF. The recommended standards for Interactive Rich Media In-Page Units are as follows:


The IAB and the IAB Rich Media Task Force are updating these guidelines in order to recognize and address critical innovations and changes in Rich Media currently used by advertisers, as well as the extraordinary growth rate for the segment. Nielsen//NetRatings estimates that Rich Media usage almost tripled over the past year, from 4% in Q2 2002 to 11% in Q2 2003. Based on six months of industry surveys from agencies, marketers and other key stakeholders, the recommended specifications recognize and conform to the needs of the media buying community. Phase 2 of the guidelines will address other rich media advertising units, including audio& video, off-page and roll-over units.

“It’s critical that the industry have every opportunity possible to respond to these recommended units,” said Adam Gelles, Director, Industry Initiatives, IAB. “The task force has been diligent in pursuing every avenue to solicit feedback on the proposed units and we’re confident the results from this survey will confirm the chosen specifications.”

The IAB Rich Media Task Force is asking the industry to provide feedback on the Phase 1 proposed guidelines.

Participating companies of the IAB Rich Media Task Force include: About, Inc.,, AOL, AtlasDMT,, CBS,, CNET Networks, CondNet, DoubleClick,, EverSave, Eyeblaster, EyeWonder, Fusebox,, iVillage Inc., MSN, Solbright, Terra Lycos, Unicast,, ValueClick, Viewpoint, The Walt Disney Internet Group, WashingtonPost.Newsweek Interactive and Yahoo!

About the IAB
Founded in 1996, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) represents the leading companies in the interactive space. Membership includes companies that are actively engaged in, and support the sale of interactive advertising in addition to being responsible for selling over 75% of online advertising in the United States. IAB members include AOL, CNET Networks, DoubleClick, MSN, Google, Overture, The Walt Disney Internet Group, Yahoo! and over 100 others. On behalf of its members, the IAB evaluates and recommends standards and practices, fields interactive effectiveness research and educates the advertising industry regarding the use of interactive advertising. For more information on the IAB please visit