
The Interactive Ad Effect: CTAs in Mobile Video Shoppable Ads

The Interactive Ad Effect: CTAs in Mobile Video Shoppable Ads

Mobile shoppable video ads are interactive ads designed to connect consumers with products, services, or merchants within the ad itself. They can provide product learning and exploration, links to additional information and in some cases may enable click-to-buy capabilities within the ad.

In this IAB study, “The Interactive Ad Effect: CTAs in Mobile Video Shoppable Ads,” we explored shoppable mobile video ads and how consumers interact with them. We focused on video-based interactive ads in a mobile web environment with the goal of understanding what initial calls to action work best and addressing questions such as:

  • Do mobile shoppable video ads with call-to-actions (CTAs) get consumers’ attention?
  • Which CTAs work best in getting consumers’ attention?

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