Workshop -

Storytelling in Today’s Digital Career Market

Apr 23, 2024 / 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST

Sold Out


      Was I at my last job long enough?  Do I have the specific experience the recruiter will ask about?  Will they think I’m too old?  Too young?  What if they ask why I left my last role?

      These are all very natural questions you end up asking yourself when you’re between positions in our industry.  According to 30-year industry veteran and long-time trainer and coach Doug Weaver of Upstream Group, they’re also the wrong questions.  Doug has trained for hundreds of platforms, ad tech and data firms, and media companies over the last quarter century.  He also personally coaches dozens of current sales leaders and offers advice and guidance to scores of industry execs looking for their next roles.  In conjunction with the IAB, Doug is hosting a free one-hour Zoom seminar in which he’ll discuss:

      • Your North Star:  Navigating opportunities
      • Not falling prey to the voices in other people’s heads
      • Prep and questions that set you apart
      • Establishing your personal narrative of incremental value and the gaps you fill for the hiring organization
      • From Who to How:  Pivoting the conversation to your plan for success
      • The importance of the non-interview and finding your industry truth tellers and career sherpas
      • Closing and Qualification:  Knowing where you stand for a given position

      The session will be packed with hacks and ideas to recharge the search for your next stage of career growth, with time for Q/A and discussion during and after the session.  If you are between positions and could use a boost and some fresh ideas, reserve your seat now as spots are limited.


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