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Connected Commerce Webinar: Retail Media Success Across the Aisle

Video on demand of comprehensive webinar on the nuances of retail media operational strategies. Engage with industry experts from retailers, brands, agencies, and ad-tech as we discuss the market outlook, current solutions, and areas of untapped potential. Delve into the significance of standardizing retail media measurement, discerning incrementality from attribution. How can we move towards transparency and consistency. Let’s collaboratively shape the future of retail media, where definitions matter.

Event Highlights:

Retail Media 2023: Operational Strategy to Meet the Growth PotentialĀ 

  • Challenges to Retail Media Growth are ecosystem complexity, knowledge gaps and measurement. The panel will be discussing current solutions and recommendations

IAB/MRC Retail Media Measurement GuidelinesĀ 

  • Objective is to outline consistent and transparent measurement for retailers
  • Audience Measurement, Data Quality & Processing, Ad Delivery & Viewability, Incrementality, Instore Measurement