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Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Issues Guideline for Half-Page Ad Units

New York, NY (April 6, 2004) – Keeping pace with the development of new effective online ad units, the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) Ad Sizes Task Force Today announced a standard specification for the half page ad unit. The standard will enable advertisers and their agencies to develop one iteration for half page ad content accepted by all of those publishers that accept the ad unit.

“After soliciting industry feedback on the efficacy of the half page ad unit, and in recognition of its growing usage, the Task Force is recommending the 300 X 600 pixel unit, as the industry-wide specification for the half page unit,” said Adam Gelles, Director Industry Initiatives, IAB. “As with all of the IAB ad size recommendations, our goal is to simplify the process for advertisers and their agencies, and enable publishers to offer a consistent sized unit for their customers.”

The specifications for the half page unit and file sizes are as follows:

Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Issues Guideline For Half-Page Ad Units

IAB member companies that currently carry this ad unit or plan to offer the half page unit in the near future include:,, CNET Networks, CondeNet, Cox Newspapers, Fastclick, Inc.,, Inc., iVillage Inc.,, Meredith Corporation,, New York Times Digital, Univision Online, The Weather Channel Interactive, Inc. and Yahoo!.

About the IAB:

Founded in 1996, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) represents the leading companies in the interactive space. Membership includes companies that are actively engaged in, and support the sale of interactive advertising in addition to being responsible for selling over 85% of online advertising in the United States IAB members include AOL, CNET Networks, DoubleClick, MSN, Google, Overture, The Walt Disney Internet Group, Yahoo! and over 150 others. On behalf of its members, the IAB evaluates and recommends standards and practices, fields interactive effectiveness research and educates the advertising industry regarding the use of interactive advertising. For more information on the IAB please visit

Stu Ginsburg