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IAB & Japan Internet Advertising Association Establish Working Collaboration to Strengthen Interactive Industry Across Borders

New Relationship Aligns Common Interests Through Dissemination of Global IAB Technical Guidelines, Best Practices and Research

New York, NY & Tokyo, Japan (August 20, 2014) – The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has entered into a working collaboration with the Japan Internet Advertising Association (JIAA) to build stronger ties between the Japanese digital marketing community and the worldwide interactive ecosystem, which IAB represents. Information sharing on global and domestic trends in digital advertising will be a key component of the new relationship.

IAB will communicate its globally accepted guidelines and best practices, to serve as the basis for JIAA’s approach to critical industry issues, including technical standards that address the explosive growth of video and mobile. The cooperation between IAB and JIAA will extend to exchanges on self-regulation, public policy and intellectual property piracy as well as on IAB ad format standards, including advancing the adoption of the IAB Rising Stars units which have run in more than 30 countries and appeared for the first time in the Japanese marketplace in September 2013. IAB will also convey the latest developments from the cross-industry metrics initiative Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS). In addition, the cooperative relationship will open the door to cobranded research projects as well as discussions on a cobranded thought leadership event in Tokyo.

“This new relationship with IAB will give our members perspective on the broader global trends and standards in interactive advertising,” said Hideyuki Nagasawa, Managing Director and Secretary General, JIAA. “JIAA is the leader in Japan, and IAB has built a remarkable global network, which can offer our organization keen insights to help drive the Japanese digital marketing industry ahead.”

“Creating a working collaboration with the JIAA gives us access into a market of great importance to many of our global members,” said David Doty, Executive Vice President and CMO, IAB, who also heads the organization’s international efforts. “This newest dialogue across borders promises to strengthen the entire interactive ecosystem around the world.”

This most recent cooperation represents the first IAB relationship with an industry organization in Japan, a country not yet represented within the IAB global network. Under licenses from the IAB, which was founded in New York in 1996 and remains headquartered there, there are 41 national IABs, on all the world’s continents except Antarctica, and one regional, in Europe. The two newest, added to the roster in 2014, are IAB China and IAB South Africa. They are all independently owned and operated, functioning under bylaws consonant with local market needs, with transparent governance and finances, to further the best interests of the industry they serve.

This news was released simultaneously in New York and Tokyo.

To learn more about the IAB global network, please visit

About the JIAA

The Japan Internet Advertising Association (JIAA) was established in May 1999 as a private organization to provide a forum to discuss common issues that may affect the Internet advertising industry, to put the right business environment in place, and therefore to facilitate the sound development of the Internet as a safe and reliable advertising medium. The JIAA was incorporated as an association in April 2010. The JIAA is currently comprised of 159 internet/mobile-advertising related companies including publishers, media reps, advertising agencies, research firms, technology vendors and production companies. The JIAA joins forces with its members to promote the sound development of a socially credible marketplace for internet advertising through guidelines creation, research and educational efforts and more.

About the IAB

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is comprised of more than 600 leading media and technology companies that are responsible for selling 86 percent of online advertising in the United States. The IAB empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. The organization educates marketers, agencies, media companies and the wider business community about the value of interactive advertising. Working with its member companies, the IAB evaluates and recommends standards and practices and fields critical research on interactive advertising. Founded in 1996, the IAB is headquartered in New York City.

IAB Media Contact
Laura Goldberg
[email protected]

JIAA Media Contact
Katsurako Yanagida
[email protected]