
The Evolution of the Internet, Identity, Privacy, and Tracking

The Evolution of the Internet, Identity, Privacy, and Tracking 1

This publication is intended for U.S. audiences and is not for those in the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom.

It’s time we speak frankly about a very personal matter: your privacy on the internet.

It seems everyone these days wants to protect it. The European Union enacted a sweeping new set of laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to safeguard it. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), passed rapidly under duress, goes into effect in January.  The U.S. Congress is debating Federal regulations that could pre-empt California and many other states considering their own privacy-protection laws. Facebook, facing widespread criticism for its mishandling of consumer data with the English consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, is implementing new procedures nearly every month to provide users more transparency into and control over their data. Apple is on a path to block virtually all advertiser access to usage data on its devices. Google is publicly mulling changes to its Chrome browser to create a “privacy sandbox” that will enable users to control their data while still enabling ad-supported content.

Read more via IAB Tech Lab