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Learning and Development: A Look Back and Ahead

Recertification and the Need for Continued Learning

Learning and development had a strong 2015, due in large part to the continued success of our certification program and accreditation. In addition to private training sessions held for members and partners including Time Inc., Ipsos, Hearst, USA Today, the New York Post, Cox, Comcast, Time Warner Cable Media, NBCUniversal, and several titles at Condé Nast, we also ran many successful public sessions. This included 3 sessions of Digital Fundamentals, 5 Digital Sales exam prep classes, 3 Ad Ops exam prep classes, 7 Advanced Programmatics classes, 1 Digital Leadership 3-day session, and a handful of study sessions. We also launched online learning with our Digital Media Sales Certification class as a self-paced virtual class in partnership with Bisk.


Looking ahead to 2016, we are aggressively expanding our current class content while also introducing new topics in line with industry needs and trends. We will be working closely with our Industry Initiatives team to develop a Programmatic Curriculum Task Force as we reshape our extremely popular Advanced Programmatics class both for in-person and online learning. We will also see the development of Data classes to support our Data Certification through exam prep as well as our member needs through specialized data training. As we look at trends in mobile, social, analytics, and research, new classes will be introduced throughout the year. Early 2016 will also see the release of our online Digital Fundamentals class to complement our very popular in-person session.


This year was an extremely exciting and successful year for IAB’s Learning and Development team, and we look forward to continued growth and success in 2016.


Jessica Eule